All entries by this author

Will we buy anyone in January?

Dec 21st, 2010 | Source: World of Arsenal | Category: Latest Arsenal blogs

As the end of the year draws near, it’s time to look ahead to January and look at our squad and speculate on what we need, where we need them and whether or not we’ll get them this January… with the snowenforcedwinter break - 2

Snowpocalypse Part 2

Dec 20th, 2010 | Source: World of Arsenal | Category: Latest Arsenal blogs

Well, this morning will be short and brief because nothing has happened. At all. Anywhere. Because of all the snow. No Arsenal/Stoke, no United/Chelsea, no nothing. We did draw Barca on Friday. It was pretty much a dead certainty. I’m one of those

Arsenal vs Stoke – Game postponed due to snow…

Dec 18th, 2010 | Source: World of Arsenal | Category: Latest Arsenal blogs

Afternoon All… This morning, I woke up randomly at 10am… looked out the window and thought… Yeeks, this game is going to be hard to get to… the snow is coming down big time… so I went back to sleep… and 10.30am I

Why we will beat Barcelona… (I will regret this blog)…

Dec 17th, 2010 | Source: World of Arsenal | Category: Latest Arsenal blogs

It will be different. We will win. I will regret writing this post. Simple. Last season we travelled to Barcelona and lost 4-1. On the night, we played the following team: Almunia Sagna - Vermaelen - Silvestre - Clichy Denilson -

Manchester United vs Arsenal – Match Day Live…

Dec 13th, 2010 | Source: World of Arsenal | Category: Latest Arsenal blogs

Evening fellow Gooners, It’s time for Match Day Live as we prepare for one of the biggest games of our season. It’s true to say that neither of us (by that, I mean United and Arsenal) have played paticularly well, neither team has been

Going To Santa’s Grotto

Dec 13th, 2010 | Source: World of Arsenal | Category: Latest Arsenal blogs

Morning. Or is it evening? I don’t really know as it’s perpetually dark in this corner of middle earth and this weekend has seen exactly 8 hours of sleep in total. Ideal preparation for a long working week and a visit to the shitbags tonight.

Manchester United vs Arsenal – The Preview

Dec 12th, 2010 | Source: World of Arsenal | Category: Latest Arsenal blogs

Morning. Apologies for the lack of recent blogs, however, over the last two days I was hit by a severe case of man flu… the kind of man flu that rendered me pretty useless… but thanks to all variety of medicines and remedies, I am on the road

NaNaNaNaNaNaNaNasri > Brillo Head

Dec 6th, 2010 | Source: World of Arsenal | Category: Latest Arsenal blogs

Morning - I’m back after an absence that involved 2 xmas do’s, a horrendous dose of death dealing flu and 3 feet of snow. And -17°C temperatures. I still feel like I’m dying and on top of that the idiots in the office have

Quick Hello

Nov 29th, 2010 | Source: World of Arsenal | Category: Latest Arsenal blogs

Hello Guys! What a crazy start to the week - tube strikes, fog, snow… could we squeeze more action into a Monday morning? I’ll be very quick as I think Kieran D is blogging a little later today… In the meantime, Arsene has been

Aston Villa v Arsenal – Match Day Live

Nov 27th, 2010 | Source: World of Arsenal | Category: Latest Arsenal blogs

Apologies for a lack of a match preview, but somehow this fixture has snuck up on all of us… still seething from back to back defeats in League and Champions League… today’s line up is: Fabianski Sagna - Squillaci -