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Will shocking mistakes cost Arsenal the European campaign?

Feb 18th, 2010 | Source: Arsenal Fan view | Category: Top stories

Having returned to the title race with the narrow win over Liverpool, the Gunners were expected to build on that result and earn at least a draw in the first leg against Porto and they would have probably managed to do so if it hadnt been for Lukasz

Can Arsenal win the Premiership this season?

Jan 18th, 2010 | Source: Arsenal Fan view | Category: Latest Arsenal blogs

The majority of Arsenal fans, me included, thought this season would turn into another disappointment when Arsene Wenger failed to properly reinforce the squad last summer but the Gunners have surprised everyone with their consistency and if it hadnt

Why Arsenal should look up to Stoke?

Dec 8th, 2009 | Source: Arsenal Fan view | Category: Latest Arsenal blogs

Dont let be fooled by the headline since I will always prefer attractive attacking football Arsenal are playing to Stokes hard-tackling, physical approach but the Gunners definitely need to toughen up. The games against Chelsea and Manchester City have

Wenger finally realized what everybody knew

Dec 2nd, 2009 | Source: Arsenal Fan view | Category: Latest Arsenal blogs

After the fourth trophy-less season, Arsene Wenger was expected to spend heavily in order to finally build a team capable of challenging for honours but he only signed Thomas Vermaelen, while selling Toure and Adebayor. Even though everyone expected the

Can Arsenal beat Chelsea on Sunday

Nov 26th, 2009 | Source: Arsenal Fan view | Category: Top stories

After the four trophyless seasons and what were thought to be poor dealings in the transfer market, nobody expected Arsenal to keep their place in the top 4 let alone mount a serious title challenge. However, Arsene Wenger have once again built an

Replacing Robin Van Persie

Nov 17th, 2009 | Source: Arsenal Fan view | Category: Top stories

The worst thing for a manager when his side are flying high is not the defeat that would end the winning run but rather injury to one of the key players. This is something Arsene Wenger knows too well now that Robin Van Persie has picked up ankle injury