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Slushy stuff

Dec 23rd, 2010 | Source: | Category: Latest Arsenal blogs

Right, well this stoopid weather has finally caught up with me. I am stricken with some kind of horrendous plague which has me feeling like shit and unable to sleep. Hence the reason I’m sitting here at 5.12am writing this. And I know it’s

Wilshere Bendtner Lansbury Jabba

Dec 22nd, 2010 | Source: | Category: Latest Arsenal blogs

Good morning, more snow again yesterday but good news everyone! It’s only -8 this morning. Bad news though, I seem to have some kind of cold. Dennis giveth, Dennis taketh away. Further to yesterday’s blog about Nicklas Bendtner The Mirror

Bendtners talking + the burning Wojscez question

Dec 21st, 2010 | Source: | Category: Latest Arsenal blogs

It’s -9 again this morning and this time it comes with snow. My back garden is a picturesque winter wonderland … for now. Wait until the elderly dog has to go out and make the whiteness a bit yellow and then a bit brown. Sure, it adds some

Beat the fear by defending better

Dec 20th, 2010 | Source: | Category: Latest Arsenal blogs

It is -9 in Dublin right now. I can’t tell you how much this displeases me. I really, really fail to see the point of -9. Like war, and the county of Leitrim, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing. Good god. Oh yeah. And such. And not a bit of

Sunday round-up

Dec 19th, 2010 | Source: | Category: Latest Arsenal blogs

Morning. Obviously it’s going to be a quiet one because of yesterday’s postponement. There can be no tales of the ruthless nutmegging of Lennie and his slack-jawed cohorts, no lauding the aerial display of Jack Wilshere who headed clear every

Stoke preview its about the football, but

Dec 18th, 2010 | Source: | Category: Latest Arsenal blogs

Update: The game is off because it’s snowing a bit in London. Morning all and the order of the day is Stoke City. Which is like going into your local restaurant and ordering a Poo Roulade with a Curtain of Vomit and a side of freshly bubbling

Stoke preview its about the football, but

Dec 18th, 2010 | Source: | Category: Latest Arsenal blogs

Morning all and the order of the day is Stoke City. Which is like going into your local restaurant and ordering a Poo Roulade with a Curtain of Vomit and a side of freshly bubbling mucus. From a footballing point of view there’s the chance to go

Mind games from the mindless + Arsecast 180

Dec 17th, 2010 | Source: | Category: Latest Arsenal blogs

*boilk* - stoopid delicious wine. Arsene’s press conference took place yesterday, possibly because of the European draw taking place later on, and we can start with some team news ahead of tomorrow’s battle with Stoke. Wojscez may

Dont worry everyone, Lennies fine!

Dec 16th, 2010 | Source: | Category: Latest Arsenal blogs

Morning all, the focus now moves away from Monday and onto Saturday’s game against Stoke City RFC. Pubis and his merry men, led by Lennie of course, will come and make life very difficult for us with their long throws and their long throws and

Arsenal need to be more stabby

Dec 15th, 2010 | Source: | Category: Latest Arsenal blogs

At the very second the alarm went off my hand reached and in one smooth movement hit the button for snooze. Another 9 minutes of blissful dozing. “Wow”, said Jack Wilshere from the other side of the room, “that was impressive”.